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Mechanical Testing

Particulars Sample size
Reference IS Code Time Frame
Hardness number test
A set of 3 nos.
IS 1195: 2002
2 Days
Job mix formula (JMF) of Mastic Asphalt
Agg.Each size - 50 kg & Bitumen 5 Kg
IS 1195: 2002
7 Days
Particulars Sample size
Reference IS Code Time Frame
Softening Point
5 kg
IS 1205 : 1978
2 Days
Penetration Test
5 kg
IS 1203 : 1978
2 Days
Flash & Fire Point
5 kg
IS 1209 : 1978
2 Days
Specific Gravity
5 kg
IS 1202 : 1978
2 Days
Ductility Test
5 kg
IS 1208 : 1978
2 Days
Viscosity - Kinematic Viscosity
5 kg
IS 1206(P-3): 1978
3 Days
Viscosity - Absolute Viscosity
5 kg
IS 1206(P-3): 1978
3 Days
Loss on heating in percentage
5 kg
IS 1212 : 1978
3 Days
Solubility in Trichloroethyleney
5 kg
IS 1216 : 1978
3 Days
Particulars Sample size
Reference IS Code Time Frame
% of Residue on 600 micron
6 Lit
IS 8887: 2004
3 Days
Viscosity at 25 oC & Viscosity at 50 oC
6 Lit
IS 8887: 2004
3 Days
Residue by evaporation
6 Lit
IS 8887: 2004
3 Days
Miscibility in water
6 Lit
IS 8887: 2004
3 Days
GSB,WBM,WMM etc as per MORTH Section 400
Particulars Sample size
Reference IS Code Time Frame
Testing of Material
Agg Each size - 50 kg.
IS 2386(P- 1,3,4,5) 1963 IS 6241 - 1971
7 Days
Job mix formula (JMF)
Agg.Each size - 50 kg
7 Days
Mix Gradation
One bag 50 kg.
IS 2386(P- 1) 1963
1 Days
One bag 50 kg.
IS 2720 (Part 16) 1987
6 Days
Field density (per point)
(Sand replacement per points)
IS : 2720(Part 28)1974
2 Days
BITUMEOUS MIXES BM,DBM,SDBC, BC,MSS, Masticasphalt etc as per MORTH Section 500
Particulars Sample size
Reference IS Code Time Frame
Bitumen Binder Contentl
2 Kg
ASTM (P-11)1964-D- 2172
2 Days
Marshall Stability Test
3 Nos prepared moulds
ASTM-D-1599- 62(P11)1964
2 Days
Marshall Stability Test involving preperation of moulds
Bitumen- 5 Kg ,Agg, each size 25 Kg each.
3 Days
Testing on material for Bituminous Concrete / Macadam Mix Design
Agg. Each size - 50 kg each, Bitumen 15 Kg.
IS 2386(P- 1,3,4,5) 1963 IS 6241 - 1971 IS 1201 to IS 1209
5 Days
Bituminous Concrete / Macadam Mix Design
10 Days
Bituminous Concrete / Macadam- Verification of Mix Design
Bituminous Pavement core core
10 Days
Bituminous Concrete / Macadam Mix Design
1 Days
Density of Core
ASTM D 2726 - 05a
2 Days
Gradation for Extracted mix per sample
2 kg
IS 2386(P- 1) 1963
1 Days

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